Neurofeedback Program

Neurofeedback is a method of training brainwaves to alter the structure and function of the brain to overcome certain symptoms. This concept is based on a neurological model known as Neuroplasticity. Research has proven that when we learn something, the brain alters its structure and function. Through repetition, the brain becomes more efficient in its ability to retain what is being repeated. Neurofeedback is a training method that teaches the brain how to produce more normalized brain wave patterns by creating new. neuroplastic connections in the brain. As brain waves normalize, the client's brain is better able to regulate itself and many of the symptoms that the client is experiencing begin to diminish and fade away.

What is BrainCore Neurofeedback at Ocean Wellness?

BrainCore Neurofeedback is a unique drugless approach to addressing brainwave imbalance.

Neurofeedback is guided exercise for the brain. A learning modality designed to retain dysregulated brainwave patterns. The goal of all neurofeedback is to transform a dysregulated brainwave imbalance into a normal, regulated, organized pattern. By doing this, the brain becomes stable and is able to operate optimally and efficiently. It is completely noninvasive and considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration recognizes that neurofeedback has not produced a serious side effect since it first became popular in the 1960's.

Published scientific research demonstrates neurofeedback's efficacy in managing many neurological conditions such as ADHD, Migraine and Tension Headache, Insomnia, Chronic Pain, Post Stroke Syndrome, Anxiety and Panic Attacks as well as many others.

The Steps to Better Brain Health at Ocean Wellness

We believe in using science to detect the root cause of your health imbalances so we can provide you with the correction you want and need to reclaim your health and life.

1. Science

We perform a comprehensive QEEG brain map, which allows us to read the areas of frequencies across the brain. Much like a weather map shows high and low temperatures, this map will show brain frequency. It will detect which areas may be over or under-signaling, which may in turn be contributing to symptoms within the body.

2. Care

Based on your unique brain map results, we let you know what we have found, and if BrainCore Neurofeedback therapy can help. We advise which specific Neurofeedback protocols can help improve your symptoms.

3. Results

When the brain map detects a brain frequency imbalance and the Clinician performs Neurofeedback therapy; brainwave frequencies return to a balanced, organized condition optimizing improved function for health and well-being.

Experience a Drugless Solution that Helps Brainwave Imbalance Associated with the Following Conditions:



Chronic Pain


Depression, Anxiety



Focus & Concentration



Peak Performance